Most parents have a love/hate relationship with their child’s feeding tube: on the one hand, the placement of the tube was traumatic, and all of the side effects (vomiting, reflux, beeping machines, and more) create so many exhausting and irresolvable issues. But on the other hand, the tube creates a sense of control and predictability in the midst of difficult medical complexities, and allows parents to feel confident that their child is getting what they need.
“But, what if they eat nothing?”
“Do I follow DOR (Division of Responsibility) and risk my child not touching anything of what I offer? Or do I give my child what the food they want just to ensure that they eat something?"
This is the hardest question that parents face when they’re thinking about what DOR is and how it might help their children learn how to eat!
GIE Announces Collaboration with Sprout Baby Tracker App on Groundbreaking Tool for Parents Navigating Tube Feeding and Weaning
A Few More Ways We Accidentally Foster Picky Eating
I genuinely believe that the vast majority of parents do the best that they can to advocate fiercely for their little humans! In a past blog, we talked about “Three Accidentals Ways We Foster Picky Eating,” and in this one, we want to brainstorm a bit further about the ways that we might accidentally foster picky eating habits.
What is the Stoplight Method? And Why is it Helpful?
How to Wean From Screens
There’s little I love more than cuddling up with my pajama-clad girls on the couch for dinner and a movie – and I don’t think I’m the only one! A lot of families enjoy eating on the couch from time to time, plates on laps, balancing drinks nearby with the hope that no one kicks them over. And to be honest, I find nothing wrong with occasionally eating with the family in front of a screen because, at the end of the day, those weaning from tube feeds have to wean into the life that they have – and sometimes, that includes a very literal version of “dinner and a movie.”
The Day my Daughter First Ate Beans
When my daughter was learning to eat, I was the most overwhelmed mom you’d ever met! Reeling from, what I now know was, pretty significant Post-Partum Anxiety and Depression, I was barely holding my life together – even though she was more than 1 year old. One of the only reasons I was surviving was because I had resorted to following the easiest meal planning strategy I possibly could: pick food that was easy to cook and widely accepted.
The Post-Wean Panic part 2: Why is it OK for kids to eat fluctuating volumes after tube feeds were so consistent?
In this series, we are tackling common post-wean worries, both from a medical perspective and from a parenting one. And the first question we’re going to tackle in this series is a good one! It’s one that almost all parents have after being stuck in a tube-fed regiment for months and years, and it sounds something like this: “Why is it safe for my child to eat such inconsistent volumes? Tube feed volumes were so predictable – and they only ever increased! But my child’s eating feels really unpredictable! How can that be safe?”
December Healthy Highlights #3: Peppermint Marshmallows
These homemade peppermint marshmallows are made primarily with date paste. Dates are a naturally sweet fruit that provide a wonderful source of fiber, manganese, B vitamins, potassium, and probiotics making this recipe variation of marshmallows a healthier alternative to their store-bought counterpart.
So, what are you waiting for? Turn up the holiday music while preparing a batch of peppermint marshmallows. These festive treats can be enjoyed on their own or used as a delicious hot cocoa topping.
December Healthy Highlights #2: Peppermint Hot Chocolate
This fun and festive peppermint hot cocoa recipe combines sweet and minty flavors, perfect for the cold weather season. Whether you’re enjoying a snow day outside or staying comfy and cozy indoors, a steaming mug of peppermint cocoa will warm you from the inside out. It is the perfect accompaniment when curled up watching a holiday movie, playing board games, or trimming the tree.
December Healthy Highlights #1: Peppermint Tea
Peppermint tea is a delicious beverage made from fresh or dried leaves infused into a cup of hot or boiling water. Peppermint oil is the essential oil extracted from the peppermint plant that is often used in aromatherapy, while peppermint extract is peppermint oil diluted with alcohol. Both peppermint oil (food-grade) and extract can be used to add flavor to foods and beverages.
The Post-Wean Panic Part 1: Oral Eating Doesn’t look like Tube Feeds
The most common question we hear in the post-wean stage is, “but are you sure this is safe?” Most often, this question comes from parents whose children are settling into being fully oral, without tube support, in the stage where this new “eating life” looks really different than the life they were living on full tube feeds. For most parents, the unpredictability of oral eating can lead to some significant panic, and if we aren’t careful, sometimes that panic can cause parents to jump the gun to resume tube feeds unnecessarily.
November Healthy Highlights #3: Pizza Dip
This football season, we hope you get to spend game days with your friends and family, cheering for your favorite teams while indulging in some good foods. Whether you’re quietly celebrating at home, hosting a party, or taking a mouthwatering dish to the game day festivities, adding this pizza dip as part of the winning lineup is sure to please any crowd.
Boundaries part 4: Setting Boundaries with Well-meaning Family Members
Raising an anxious eater often invites well-meaning but unhelpful comments from others, like the suggestion that a weekend away will solve the problem. These remarks, though intended to help, can harm parents' mental and emotional well-being. Many parents feel trapped under a constant barrage of criticism, feeling unable to push back because they understand the comments come from a place of care. However, it's crucial for caregivers to set boundaries, not to change others' behavior but to protect their own well-being. After all, the only behavior you can control is your own.
Three Accidental Ways We Foster Picky Eating
There’s nothing more frustrating than doing the work to create an amazing meal, only to set it in front of your darling child and receive an immediate, “NO! I don’t want it!” And while there are lots of good reasons for kids to develop an anxious response to food (such as being a new eater, surprising textures, pressure from caregivers during meals, a history of aspiration, etc.), there are ways that loving and amazing parents accidentally foster picky eating.
November Healthy Highlights #2: Sweet Potato Nachos
Nachos are an essential part of any game day gathering. Sweet potato nachos offer a unique twist to this classic fan favorite appetizer. Replacing the tortilla chips with sweet potatoes adds a boost of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to your football feast.
This deliciously easy recipe is sure to keep your guests cheering.
November Healthy Highlights #1: Veggie Ranch Dip
Whether enjoying an action-packed football game under the stadium lights surrounded by the crisp chill of fall or cozied up inside at a watch party with friends and family, snacks are an essential part of any game day. Finding the perfect snacks to satisfy everyone can be a challenge, so this month we present some favorite football food ideas that are sure to please any crowd.
October Healthy Highlights #3- Pumpkin Chili
Boundaries, pt 3: But My Boundaries Aren’t Working!
One of the most exhausting realities of parenthood is that the job is relatively nonstop! And while none of us wants to miss even one magical moment of childhood, the magic is always accompanied by challenges. Top of that list includes helping kids to learn how to respond to their worlds in proportional and appropriate ways – but that’s hard to do! Because kids learn how to behave, not based on what they are told to do, but based on the way that their grown-ups respond to them.
Why Did My Weaned Kid Stop Eating?
Getting off of the tube is one thing, but staying off the tube feels like a completely different minefield. A lot of parents worry about whether they’ll have to re-tube the child they just weaned, and that fear is never more present than the times when your child stops eating the way you hope or expect for them to do after a wean.
We believe that when a child stops eating (or begins to eat less), there is always a reason. Our job is to figure out what that is so that we can address the situation mindfully and responsively.