We provide families with a path towards joyful, relaxed, independent oral eating while offering the support needed throughout the process.

Click below to fill out your free intake form to see if your child is ready to start one of our programs!

If you’re in the early stages or wondering if GIE is worth it, I am here to tell you it gets better and YES they are worth it! I am grateful every day for finding this program.
— GIE Member Family

Your guide to making mealtime a joyous occasion!

Cut out all the time spent researching recipes and gimmicks. And eliminate the stress that comes from wondering if you're child is getting enough nutrients. We've helped hundreds of families successfully wean their children and this cookbook will teach you the secret to getting your little one to eat. You'll learn how blending table foods into purees will help your child reach their independent eating goals!

And more free recipes to get your whole family to the table.

Download our free recipe pack to get access to our cookbook sampler, written by our own Registered Dietitian.


GIE Co-Founder, Becky Keifer MA, SLP, and Dietitian, Lisa Grentz MS, RD recently authored a published article titled “Home-Based Appetite-Guided Weaning of Enteral Nutrition of Infants with Congenital Heart Disease: A Preliminary Clinical Observation”.

Join our free parent support group!

Connect with other families, caregivers, and GIE staff in our free Facebook group! In addition to helpful conversations that happen daily, we offer monthly live events where you can ask our qualified staff all of your burning questions about tube feeding.