June Healthy Highlights #3: Strawberry S’mores

Lisa Grentz, MS, RDN, CD/LDN, FAND

Berry Good

Juicy red strawberries are a fiber-rich fruit loaded with vitamin C and other antioxidants. Did you know that eating 8 strawberries has more vitamin C than an orange? This favorite summer fruit also offers magnesium, calcium, potassium, and folate.

Strawberries are delicious raw or cooked. Here are some ways you can enjoy strawberries throughout the day:

  • Liven up your breakfast by topping hot or cold cereal with sliced strawberries.

  • Create a delicious yogurt parfait by layering yogurt, granola, and berries.

  • Blend strawberries into a smoothie.

  • Fold strawberries into baked goods like muffins and quick breads.

  • Top cottage cheese with sliced strawberries.

  • Add chopped or sliced strawberries to leafy green salads or fruit salad.

  • Top ice cream, pancakes, or waffles with roasted strawberries.

  • Dip strawberries in chocolate for a decadent dessert.

Not only are strawberries synonymous with summer, so are s’mores. These ooey gooey strawberry s’mores are a fun summertime treat.

Strawberry S’mores
4 honey graham crackers

4 large marshmallows

4 Tbsp. strawberry jam*

4 strawberries, sliced

*The strawberry-lemon refrigerator jam recipe featured last week works great when making these s’mores.


  • Break each graham crackers in half crosswise.

  • Roast marshmallows until lightly browned and gooey inside (or microwave on high for 30 seconds or until marshmallow puffs).

  • Evenly spread the jam on top of 4 graham crackers halves then top each one with a roasted marshmallow.

  • Divide strawberry slices and place on top of each marshmallow then cover with the 4 remaining graham cracker squares and lightly press to secure.

Notes: Makes 4 servings. If desired, add a square or two of chocolate between the jam and the marshmallow for added sweetness.