Pre-Program Consultation


Pre-Program Consultation


The Pre-Program Consultation is a prerequisite to a consultation program and includes the following:

1. A one-hour intake conversation about your child’s medical history and feeding situation

2. A Review of your feeding videos and medical reports

During the above conversations, we will recommend a consult level for your family. The choice of consultation service is entirely up to you, and add-on services are available to round out any consultation plan at any time.

If, once the Pre-Program Consultation is complete, we (you and our team together) decide the time is not quite right for a weaning consultation, we will provide you with a plan of recommended therapy options closer to your home. If you decide to return for weaning consultations later, you will not be charged for an Pre-Program Consultation again. We won’t move families to the Pre-Program Consult if we don’t have reasonable belief that their kiddo can wean successfully.

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